
January 22, 2010

Eureka! Golden Granola

Since Friday is typically an "eat out" day for us, I won't be posting any dinner-related recipes today.

We had an early bite at a new restaurant in the FiDi called Barbacco (Perbacco's little sister next door), an excellent trattoria where we enjoyed amazing bruschetta (one of which was made with special back fat pig lardo also known as "slaninka" in Bulgarian).

When we got back home I had plenty of time to prepare some staples for the week ahead - yogurt and granola.

Granola is one of the easiest things to prepare and can be easily customized to please anyone's palate.

Salty-sweet golden granola

  • 3 cups of rolled oats ( I buy different kinds in bulk from Whole Foods); in this case I used 1 cup spelt, 1 cup kamut, 1 cup rye oats\
  • 1/2 - 1 cup coconut shreds

  • 1 cup nuts - in this case 1/2 cup raw almonds and 1/2 cup Duchily hazelnuts
  • 1/2 cup - 1 cup dried fruits - in this case apples, pears and prunes
  • Spices: you can go crazy here - I did 2 tsp vanilla powder, 2-3 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp ginger powder and most importantly salt
  • Honey
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp

I mixed all the ingredients well...

...and spread the mix on a 9 x 13 pan and popped it in the oven and...Eureka - 40-45 minutes later I struck gold...golden granola that is!!!

Words of wisdom: remember to stir the granola every 10-15 mins for an even golden tan


  1. I have never made granola, myself. I'm going to try it out. Yours looks great. I almost smell the aromas.
    What is the oven temperature?

  2. this looks awesome. Will try it for sure. Where do you get the powdered ginger and other spices... WF?

  3. i buy them from whole foods (bulk section ---> fresher and cheaper)

  4. Ok super shte probvam. Tukmo moite oats mi svurshvat i triabva da kupia oshte ot WF.
    V kakvi sudove gi durgish posle? ziplock bags, jars... that seems to be my problem with buying bulk it is hard to store it that way unless you transfer it in jars (which I don't have a lot of...). Also, I had forgotten to answer about my oats about the milk I use - I use cold milk but I am sure you can also do it with warm milk. I have made it with yogurt as well...
    I got this recepie from a BG health/exercise book, when I was about 9 or 10 years old (apparently, I have been into healthy stuff since very early age :). The name of the recipe was "French Beauty Salad" because it contains a lot of things that are good for you and your skin.

  5. Dona Domata - i keep all of my oats and wheat berries in ziploc bags in the fridge. Works pretty well for me! I will try the oat preparation that yoou use but with the granola and our home-made yogurt. I am sure it will work pretty well...

  6. also, I have a spice drawer - bulk stuff goes in there in mini ziplocks or old altoid tins. I love altoids :)
