
January 18, 2010

Avocado Fennel Citrus Salad

Hi Guys,

I decided to use 1/2 the fennel I got at the FM this weekend and make a salad for tomorrow's lunch. I had looked up some recipes today asking for fennel (as I am addickted to it) :0) and this fennel salad caught my eye as easy to make and at the same time also sounding very delicious. Here is the original recipe:

Avocado Fennel Citrus Salad
    1 grapefruit
    2 oranges
    2 Avocados
    1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice 
    1 tablespoon honey
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 bulb fennel, trimmed and sliced very thin
    (reserve green stuff for garnish)

Working over a large bowl to catch juice, peel and section the grapefruit and the oranges. Cut avocados in half, remove the pit, and peel. Cut into slices or chunks.  Add to grapefruit mixture and toss gently to coat with juices. Drain juices off into small bowl. Stir in honey, lime or lemon juice and salt. Add fennel slices and juice mixture to avocado mixture and toss gently to mix.

I didn't have avocados today so I just made it w/o them (but will probably stop by TJ's tomorrow on my way to work to get some so they will be added later on to my lunch). I also had only one orange, so I used one oro blanco grapefruit and 1/2 pomelo. It taseted very good even w/o the avocades - fresh and juicy.


  1. Dona Domata, I will give this one a try once I get our weekly fruit and veggie delivery. We have tons of fennel and I definitely need to put it to good use. The issue I have with fennel is that it's hard to work with - I don't like using my mandoline but the thicker the slicing the worse the taste....

    How did you slice your fennel?

  2. For this recipe, and in general if you are eating it raw, it is good to cut the fennel in thin slices (in some places they reffered to this as shaving). In this case, I just cut the head in half (had a big one) & saved one of the halfs for later. Then halfed the half I was about to use and started to slices perpendicullar to the last cut. It was pretty easy. The cut I did was similar to the way you cut onion when you want to have long thin slices for a salad. The fennel behaived the same way. Next time I will take pics.

  3. Dona, how was the salad? Did you get avocados?

  4. Very delicious!!! I did add 1/2 of avocado. To my surprize, I ate it all for lunch... and it was quite a lot. I paired it with a small tuna melt (tuna salad receipe to follow shortly) :)
